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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
给父母邀请信<br />亲爱的妈妈、爸爸,<br /><br />我们自从在温哥华安顿下来后,一切都非常好,一直觉得这个社区的邻居对我们很热情很友善。这里的自然环境也特别好――碧绿的海水、蔚蓝的天空,更不用说这里四季宜人的气温。市中心居然有一座覆盖着原始森林的公园――斯坦利公园。散步时松鼠在旁边跑,这是你们在拥挤的昆明无法想象的美景,简直太棒了!然而,虽然我们在这里也结交了不少朋友,我们还是特别想念您们,想念我弟弟Son及家里的其他亲戚。<br />今年12月份末,我们的第一个孩子――您们的外孙(也许是外孙女,我们现在还不知道)就要出世。您们可以想象我们激动的心情!因此我们非常盼望你们能够在今年圣诞节期间来到温哥华和我们团聚。做这个最重要事件的见证人,一起分享我们的快乐。我们非常希望在孩子出生后的一个月里能得到***育儿经验指导。不过我们可不会让妈妈累着,我们已经计划好了,在小孩一出生就雇一个好保姆。因此,不会影响你们的在加拿大的旅游计划。你们也不要担心语言不通会影响你们在加拿大的观光旅游计划,我们已经帮你们联系了提供中文导游的旅行社。<br />您们更不用担心昆明家里的任何财产,在您们不在的3个月内,Son弟弟肯定能够打理好。你们也能赶上在2006年3月份参加Son弟弟诶ッ骶傩械幕槔瘢?舱?冒镂颐谴?ピ缇透??亲急负玫睦裎铩?br&gt;爸爸希望参观了解北美的建筑风格,妈妈一直盼望能体会一下西方的节日气氛。我们给你们计划了你们在加拿大3个月的大体行程安排,你们看看这样安排合适吗?身体不会觉得累吧?花费也应该能控制在你们计划的一万五千加元以内。<br />第一周:到达温哥华(11月28日),参观温哥华市区的各大博物馆,公园,煤气镇、唐人街等。<br />第二、三周:你们俩跟旅行社冬季旅游团乘坐火车到落基山沿途观光<br />第四、五周:回温哥华,到大商场采购,做家乡菜,一起过圣诞节,迎接2006新年,迎接我们的新Baby的诞生。<br />第六、七周:在我们全家的小天使出身的头两周,陪伴、照顾他/她。我想这也是你们最乐意的安排J<br />第八周:游览维多利亚岛,Son-in-law陪爸爸参观大温哥华地区的经典建筑。 <br />第九、十周:参加海外中国人过春节的活动,一起迎接除夕,和我们探访朋友,送一些从昆明带来的家乡特产。<br />第十一、十二周:给家里亲戚买礼物。2月18日飞回中国昆明。<br />收到这封信后,您们就可以向加拿大驻中国使馆提出签证申请了。希望能够早日见到您们。<br /><br /><br />你们最爱的,<br /><br />Daughter,Son-in-law<br /><br /><br /><br />September 4th, 2005<br /><br />Dear Dad and Mom,<br /><br />Everything goes well here since we settled down in Vancouver. We always feel the people here are very nice and kind. The nature environment here is delightful too -- turquoises waters, azure skies, not to mention year-round balmy temperatures. There is even a virgin forest park in the middle city – Stanley Park. When we walk around in the park, the squirrels run beside us. It is really wonderful. You can not image this when you are in crowded Kunming city. We have made many friends in this city, how ever, we miss you very much, we miss my brother Song and relatives too.<br />In the end of this December, your grandson (maybe granddaughter, we don’t know yet), is also the first baby of us, will be born. You can imagine our excited mood! We expect you come to Vancouver and stay with us during this Christmas, and be the witness for this important matter, sharing our happiness of the birth of a new life. We also hope we can get Mom’s hand by hand mentoring and leverage Mom’s experience. However, we will not make Mom tired, we have already planned to get a babysitter after our kid’s born. So you need not worry about your sightseeing plan in Canada. You also need not worry about language issue, we’ve already contacted travel agencies which guider can provide Chinese service.<br />And you need not worry about anything related properties in Kunming either, we believe brother Song can take good care all of them during the 3 months of your absence. You also can catch up brother Song’s wedding ceremony on March 2006. And bring our gift to Xiao Song and Xiao Lin on behalf of us, which we have already bought.<br />Dad hope see about North America architecture style, Mom hope sense about Western festival atmosphere. We drafted the itinerary for you of your three-months trip. Please review to see if you are OK with this plan. We think this schedule should not make you very tired, and the expense should be no more than 15,000 $CAN, which is also under your budget. <br />Week 1St, Arrive at Vancouver on 28th, Nov. 2005, stay in our home. Visit Museums and Nature Parks in Greater Vancouver Area, visit Gas Town, visit China Town, etc.<br />Week 2nd, 3rd, Day and Mom attend winter travel group organized by local Chinese travel agency and sightsee around rocky mountain area. <br />Week 4th, 5th, Stay with us, shopping, enjoy family life such as making home style food, welcoming Christmas and New year, and expecting the delivery of our baby.<br />Week 6th, 7th, Stay with our new coming angel, look after him/her. We believe this arrangement is your favourite-<br />Week 8th, City tour in Victoria Island, Xiao Miao show Dad around traditional buildings and constructions in Vancouver.<br />Week 9th, 10th, Attend local Chinese society celebrating the Chinese traditional new year, Welcome Chinese Lunar New year, Visit local Chinese friends and present them special local Chinese gifts you brought from Kunming, China.<br />Week 11th, 12th, Shopping, buy gifts for relatives and friends in Kunming. Fly back to Kunming, China on 18th, Feb. 2006.<br />After receiving this letter, you can apply the visa from Canadian Embassy in China. We hope to meet you here as soon as possible.<br /><br />Sincerely yours, <br /><br /><br />Daughter &amp; Son-in-law <br />

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
女儿给签证官的信<br />To,<br />The Canadian Embassy,<br />Beijing, P.R. China <br /><br />Dear Sir/Madam, [<br /><br />I, Daughter, currently a Permanent Resident in B.C. Canada, am writing this letter to facilitate my mother Mother, and my father Father to apply for their temporary visitor visa to Canada. I would like to invite them to visit me and my husband, Son-in-law, who currently is also a Permanent Resident in B.C. Canada, for about 12 weeks ideally starting from November 28, 2005. During their visit, my parents will live with us at the above address, and they will bear their expenses including the round trip airfare to Canada, traveling within Canada, and their all other personal expenses. <br /><br />My mother is an employee in a Kunming domestic company, and my father is a retired architect from Yunnan Architecture Institute in china. The purpose of their visit is for leisure with me and my husband during the Christmas and Chinese lunar new year, and sightseeing in Canada. Also we would love them to stay with us during our first baby coming to the world in the end of this year. Traveling inside Canada will be a fantastic life experience for them too. <br /><br />I am very sure that my parent will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. My mother’s company only authorizes her 12 weeks on leave. And my young brother will hold a splendid wedding ceremony in March 2005. Our parents definitely will attend the wedding ceremony--this is the most proud period for Chinese parents. And they own a 1500 square inch apartment in Kunming, while they have around 350,000RMB deposit, government debit, security stocks in China. Their life in Kun Ming is wealthy and comfortable.<br /><br />They will fund all their expenses in Canada by themselves, while my husband and I will cover their meal and accommodation in Vancouver---They will stay with us in our home. I will really appreciate it if you could make a favorable decision regarding their visitor visa application. Should you have any question, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration.<br /><br />Your sincerely, <br /><br /><br />Daughter <br />

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
岳父母给签证官的信<br />加拿大驻华使馆签证处,<br /><br />我(Mother)和我丈夫(Father)希望在今年11月底去加拿大温哥华看望我们的女儿和女婿。我们计划在温哥华过圣诞节和的中国春节,参加旅游团在加西旅行。我们也刚好赶上我们的第一个孙女/子出生。<br /><br />我女儿即将于年底生小孩。这是她的第一个孩子。作为母亲,我很希望能够陪伴在她身边,给她鼓励、给她帮助、分享新生命的喜悦,亲自教给她育儿经验。会使她很快适应***角色。我丈夫从事建筑设计四十年,喜爱参观学习各地的建筑,乘此机会,正好了解温哥华的建筑风格。我们也很想了解女儿一家现在的生活,我们已经有好多年没有一起过节了。他们已经为我们安排好住处。联系好旅行社,以最急切的心情盼望这次团聚。<br /><br />我们保证我们会按时回国。我们在昆明生活得富有、舒适。我和先生在昆明生活工作了一辈子,有兄弟姐妹和最好的朋友。我们习惯这里温暖的气候和有众多亲戚朋友的大家庭生活方式。我现在的工作非常愉快,老板很尊重我,公司给了我12周的假期。我和先生在昆明拥有一套135平米的公寓住房。我们在建行、中行、光大银行总共有33万元人民币的存款,我们还拥有几万元的股票投资。我儿子在昆明一家建筑公司任职土木工程师,他也已经在昆明买了一套90平米的房子。他非常爱我们。并且明年三月份我儿子等着我们回来给他操办婚礼。我们不会滞留不回。<br /><br />出国的所有费用(包括来回机票,在加拿大的旅游,医疗保险支出,生活费用等)我们自己出。希望你能够给我们签证,在西方圣诞节和中国春节能够团聚一起迎接我们可爱的孙孙将是我们最大最美好的心愿。<br /><br /><br /><br />申请人<br /><br /><br />Mother<br /><br />Father <br /><br />2005年9月10日<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />To,<br />The Canadian Embassy,<br />Beijing, P.R. China <br /><br />Dear Sir/Madam, <br /><br />I, Mother, and my husband, Father, plan to visit Vancouver and see our daughter, Daughter, and Son-in-law, Son-in-law, at the end of this November. We plan to stay in Vancouver during Christmas and Chinese Lunar New Year, and we plan to join travel agency group to sightsee across West Canada for two weeks. And we happen to witness our first grandchild’s birth in Vancouver during this travel.<br />My daughter will give birth her first child the end of this year. As a mother, I expect to come along with her, encourage her, assist her, share excitement with her, and mentor her hand by hand. This will help her adapt the mother role quickly. My husband has been working as an architecture designer for forty years. He loves to see constructions. He will have chance to know construction styles in Vancouver. Also, both my husband and I hope to know my daughter’s life in Vancouver. We have not live together during the Chinese New Year festival for several years. They have already arranged accommodation for us. They also contacted travel agency for us. They are expecting to gather with us impatiently.<br />We assure you that we will come back to Kunming on time, because our lives in Kunming are wealthy and comfortable. My husband and I have been living in Kunming for the whole life. We have brother, sisters, and good friends in Kunming. We get used to warm temperature and big family life style in Kunming. I satisfy with my current job and my boss is very nice to me, and he has approved my 12-weeks vacation. My husband and I own one 135 square-meters apartment. We have total 330,000RMB deposit in China Construction Bank(CCB), Bank of China(BOC) and China Everbright Bank(CEB). We also have tens of thousand RMB invested in Security Stock. My son is a civil engineer in an architecture design company in Kunming. He has already bought a 90 square-meters apartment. He loves us very much. The last but not least reason -- my son will hold the wedding ceremony on March. 2006. We must come back before the ceremony and do a lot of logistic things for the ceremony as most of Chinese parents do. No reason can prevent us from coming back to Kunming on time!<br />We will pay all the expenses by ourselves for this trip, include round trip airfares, travel expenses within Canada, travel health insurance premium in Canada, living expenses, etc. Hope you can kindly permit out visa application. It is our most wonderful wish of welcoming our first grandchild’s advent during Christmas and Chinese New Year festivals.<br /><br />Sincerely Yours, <br /><br />Mother &amp; Father<br />

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
后记。<br /><br />准备材料是一个非常繁琐及耗时耗力的工作。因为我最多能够在她生产时去温哥华30~40天。所以非常看重岳父母的签证。从5、6月份考虑去温哥华生小孩,我就开始有意识地上网收集父母探亲的各种资料及信息。<br /><br />8月份开始起草上面的三封信件,期间多次修改以期达到最为合情合理。并且也作了10月份二签的准备。因此我最终决定提怀孕这件事,这样便于二签时增加砝码(可以请当地议员写信说情等,并且也能解释为什么1、2签间隔如此之短。不能等待的原因)。但并没有特别强调亲情不可分割(其实这也不真实,真是父母一步离不开,那就不应该出国,是吧),也没有强调让母亲来是为了让她干活,节省雇人费用(这也是真实的,其实我们早打听好了孕妇的家庭寄宿包餐饮的费用。父母来,又是机票,又是租大房子,又是加国内旅游,又是生活费,总费用并不低)。<br />从A~Z List中的所有文件,一直在更改及补充,整个过程都是我一手操办及安排。感到非常疲惫。今天签过,终于可以歇下来了。<br />我老婆的预产期在10月9日,岳父母打算11月底登录温哥华,他们不懂英语。不知哪位好心人能够一起结伴同行。从上海或者北京走都行。准备给他们订昆明--北京(或者上海)--温哥华的联程往返机票。我自己可能在元旦的时候过来温哥华,如果单位同意,会等到过了春节回北京。有希望同行的老人与小孩,我也乐意提供旅途的帮忙。<br />下一步,我要考虑孩子出生、办出生证明、护照,回国后的户口等事宜。真希望也能在网上了解到足够多的信息。<br />

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summer  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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bugbug  贵宾  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
gas town。。。。。。勾起了我的回忆
前有文叔,后有十三 两者相较,该取其谁 难啊难啊难啊~~~~ buggy的苦恼

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[转帖]约父母或者岳父母探亲签证一次通过,经验分享!<br /><br />岳父母办理探亲签证,一次通过。特发文感谢本论坛前辈提供的有用信息。并提供我们的经验,以利于后来者。<br /><br />我们2003年10月短登,今年8月我爱人来温哥华待产,我留守北京打工挣钱支持她在温哥华的开支。9月22日请朋友递岳父母的探亲申请,9月29日暨今天拿到签证。岳父69岁,岳母61岁。<br />体会:要有足够证据证明他们在加拿大的开支有保障,以及他们肯定会按时归来,不会给加拿大政府添加负担。顺便说,我们没有能够提供使馆列出来的所有文件。我们没有在那儿工作过,不可能提供税单及雇主证明。但我们提供的材料都是真实的,并且书信、陈述文字措辞应该也能够比较符合情理及可信度。贡献出来,以享后来者。 <br /><br />1、提供文件清单----在递交的文件中我是用了真实姓名而不是Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, Son-in-Law等。另外我也把地址去除了。为了让大家有一个真实的体会,其他文字就没有改动。 <br /><br />To Whom It May Concern:<br /><br />We are writing to submit our applications for temporary visit to Canada. The followings are the complete application forms and all the required supporting materials including:<br /><br />ART 1<br />A. Receipts of the application processing fees for Mother and Father, RMB520/person<br />B. IMM5257B forms of Mother and Father<br />C. “Family Composition/Education and Employment” forms of Mother and Father<br />D. IMM5476E forms of Mother and Father using Friend as Representative<br />E. Representative delegation Letters to Friend from Mother and Father<br /><br />ART 2<br />F. Mother and Father’s bank statements (330,000RMB in total) from Bank of China, China Construction Bank and China Everbright Bank in Kunming, China <br />G. Mother and Father’s original house property certificate<br />H. Mother and Father’s one bank account history records, copy of transaction records invested in insurance companies.<br />I. Daughter Daughter’s bank statements (36,400$CAN +12,050$US) from CIBC in Vancouver, Canada<br />J. An invitation letter from daughter Daughter and son-in-law Son-in-law.<br />K. Daughter Daughter’s letter to Beijing Canada embassy officer.<br />L. The applicants Mother and Father’s letter to Canada embassy officer. <br />M. Employee Certification and Leave Permission Letter from Mother’s employer.<br />N. Retirement Certificate indicating pension from Father’s former employer.<br />O. Notarial documents for daughter Daughter including Birth Certificate, marriage certificate. <br />. Original Marriage Certificate of Mother &amp; Father.<br />Q. Maple card, SIN card copy of daughter Daughter and son-in-law Son-in-law<br />R. The copy of daughter Daughter’s passport<br /><br />ART 3<br />S. Doctor’s statement of daughter Daughter’s pregnant status<br />T. Copy of son Son’s apartment purchase contract<br />U. Father and Mother’s old or expired passports which including all the old Visa records.<br />V. Copy of Household Register Papers (HUKOU) for all the family members including Father, Mother, Daughter and Son. <br />W. Family Album <br /><br />ART 4<br />X. Original passport of Mother and Father.<br />Y. Mother and Father’s four passport-size photos taken recently<br />Z. Two self-addressed adhesive labels of Mother and Father<br /><br />We thank you for your help in advance and look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions, please contact us at the above address.<br /><br />Sincerely Yours<br /><br />Mother &amp; Father<br />September 19, 2005 <br /><br />

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