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前省长塞林格办公室的员工Liam Martin于2014年只在政府里工作了11个月后,连工资加离职补贴一共拿走了$248,000加币。这就是我们曼省为什么目前负债300个亿,政府大支出的其中一个典型例子。我们老百姓要工作多长时间才能赚到这么多钱。我们纳税人的钱就是这么花的吗 ?温尼伯市长一年的工资才只有11万加币。

目前曼省赤字是3百个亿加币,人均3万加币的欠债。 唯一可以快速带来收益的就是税收,羊毛出在羊身上。我们这些纳税人是目前支持政府庞大机构的唯一稻草,该政府不支持私有企业发展,没有任何政策支持和扶植,唯一增长的就是庞大的政府人员的增长,目前曼省每年支付的额外NDP幕僚工资就高达20个亿加币。曼省人,都醒醒吧!

Cost overruns can happen everywhere. It's a curse that politicians are so often way off the mark when they budget for big projects. Wherever you live, capital project overruns cost utility ratepayers and taxpayers literally hundreds of millions of dollars in any given year.
So, what makes Manitoba's cost overrun problem so special?
Just to be clear: Manitoba has a cost overrun problem. The worst of it is found with Manitoba Hydro, where earthquake-scale cost overruns are routine, even long before the concrete is poured.
For three forthcoming projects -- BiPole III, Keeyask and Conawapa -- the government has already accepted that costs will surge by 200% or so, with more damage likely to come. Meanwhile, the recently completed Wuskwatim dam's costs doubled and more. Together, these overruns already fall into the $10 billion -- yes, that's billion -- dollar range, all of it backed by your hydro rates. Accounting wizardry and borrowing delays accountability.
Overruns, broken budgets and dangerously optimistic cost estimates are a chronic problem with joint City-Province projects, too. The Plessis underpass is behind schedule and over-budget. Provincial challenges also contributed to a city overrun of 40% on Waverley West roadwork. Then there's the chaos with Investors Group Stadium, where the price soared from an initial pitch of $160 million to a "guaranteed maximum" of $190 million. Now it's pushing $210 million; likely more once we get an honest total. The Bombers are still working -- and still spending -- to fix construction problems.
To be fair, Manitoba isn't the only jurisdiction with cost overrun problems. In Ontario, just last week the premier as well as the mayor of Toronto had to answer tough questions about a big overrun for a subway extension. Ontario's premier proposed that Toronto use a public-private partnership for its next subway project. This to avoid future overruns, since the P3 for Toronto's new midtown LRT line is apparently working out. Meanwhile, the new mayor of Toronto said he is "furious" and promised that heads would roll if capital cost management isn't tightened up.
That's where the difference is in Manitoba. In other jurisdictions, when landfill-sized dumps of money are burned away on bad cost estimates or cost overruns, politicians actually care. They promise action and often take it. It doesn't always work, but at least they try.
Not here. Premier Selinger and his ministers don't apologize. They don't promise action, and they don't even care enough to wince at billions in additional costs. They won't adjust Hydro's plans, and they haven't truly considered cheaper and less risky alternatives. When it comes to mistakes they've already made, they neither admit them nor learn anything either. The province insisted "through a spokesperson" last week that any audit of the stadium overruns will have to wait until court cases are resolved. That's government speak for "never."
You've got to wonder why our government is so determined to spend more than it has to. You've got to wonder why our premier cares so little when aggregate capital estimates are billions of dollars in error. Most importantly, you've got to wonder how much longer our wallets and credit rating can stand the damage from their total indifference to cost overruns on big projects.
-- Graham Lane, a retired chartered accountant, chairs Manitoba Forward (www.manitobaforward.ca).

参考: http://www.manitobacn.com/read.php?tid-211254-page-11.html

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