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Quote: How do you negotiate your salary?

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funcky  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

Re: Quote: How do you negotiate your salary?

没看得太懂<br />

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funcky  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

Re: Quote: How do you negotiate your salary?

不过还是谢谢了<br />回家用词霸看

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<br />DEAR WW: What are the best ways to negotiate your salary in a job interview? It&#039;s come up a few times in job interviews and I never know what I should say - or not say.<br /><br />-- NON-NEGOTIABLE<br /><br />DEAR NON: A woman recently told me that her boyfriend had cheated on her. I asked how she knew. She told me that she&#039;d seen her old boyfriend with his new girlfriend in a mall only two weeks after he&#039;d moved out. &quot;She wasn&#039;t wearing any makeup,&quot; she observed. I looked confused. She continued, &quot;No woman would be seen with a guy after only a few weeks in public without wearing makeup.&quot;<br /><br />Just as I learned there are rules about wearing makeup in public, there are also rules about negotiating for your salary during a job interview. And these rules will loom large in terms of you getting the paycheck you deserve or coming up short. Below, I&#039;ve summarized the questions you should ask yourself. For more, check out Richard Bolles&#039; classic &quot;What Color Is Your Parachute?&quot; (Ten Speed, 2006). <br /><br />Do you understand how the salary game is played? According to Bolles, there are five stages in the salary negotiation process: 1. Who are you? 2. We like you. 3. We love you. 4. We must have you. 5. We got you. It&#039;s too early to start negotiating your salary when you&#039;re in the &quot;like you&quot; stage. And it&#039;s too late when you&#039;re in the &quot;got you&quot; stage. When are you in the strongest position to negotiate? The &quot;we must have you stage.&quot; The right timing can mean thousands of extra dollars in your pocket. <br />Do you avoid discussing salary for as long as you can? The dumbest thing to do is bring up salary too early. The second dumbest is to talk about it when they&#039;ve brought it up. You&#039;ve got to try to stall on salary as long as you can. Whether it&#039;s just a simple, &quot;I need to find out more about the job before I can talk about dollars,&quot; you need to learn how to deflect the salary questions. <br />Can you avoid being the first to mention a dollar amount? Very few absolutes in life, but you&#039;ve got to let them throw the first number on the table. Why? Because if you are too low they will get you too cheaply. And if you are too high you just might knock yourself out of consideration. <br />Have you done your research? There are a ton of sites on the Web that will tell you the salary range for a specific type of job. You should always know this information before you go on any job interviews. <br />Do you have alternatives up your sleeve? If they don&#039;t have the dollars you want, maybe they have other things that are also important to you - time off, training budgets, equipments budgets, etc. <br />Follow these tips and you&#039;ll parachute not only into a great job, but a great salary, too. <br />
<br />

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