ԭ ѩ 2007-12-7 18:54 
Tsien HS Two-dimensional subsonic flow of compressible fluids // Aeronaut. Sci. 1939
Von Karman T, Tsien HS. The buckling of thin cylindrical shells under axial compression. J Aeronaut Sci 1941
Tsien, HS 1943 Symmetrical Joukowsky Airfoils in shear flow. Q. Appl. Math.
Tsien, HS, \"On the Design of the Contraction Cone for a Wind
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Von Karman, T. and Tsien, HS, \"Lifting- line Theory for a Wing in Nonuniform Flow,\" Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, 1945
Tsien, HS: Similarity laws of hypersonic flows. J. Math. Phys. 25, 247-251, (1946).
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Tsien, HS, \"Rockets and Other Thermal Jets Using Nuclear Energy\", The Science and Engineering of Nuclear Power, Addison-Wesley Vol.11, 1949
Tsien, HS, Take-Off from Satellite Journal of the American. Rocket Society, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1953
Tsien, HS 1956 The Poincare-Lighthill-Kuo Method, Advances in Appl. Mech.
Tsien, HS, 1958, \"The equations of gas dynamics.\"
Tsien, HS, \"Rockets and Other Thermal Jets Using Nuclear
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Engineering CyberneticsTsien, H. S. McGraw Hill, 1954
Tsien, H.S. Technische Kybernetik, Übersetzt von Dr. H. Kaltenecker, Berliner Union Stuttgart 1957
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