HONDA SI 两门. 07年, 27000公里.197马力 兰色.23000加币 . 车行卖27000多
HONDA SI 四门, 07年 ,9700公里,197马力,公里数非常低. 24800加币. 本田车行卖28000加币左右.
ACURA TYPE R. 黄色,两门, 8万8千公里.,200马力,很经典的发动机,WINNIPEG不到5台车. 16500加币. 黄色的TYPE R 刚贴了车窗膜,只是照片上的是贴之前照得。
还可以做FINACING OR LEASING ,利率绝对比车行低。 对于中国留学生或者移民。
that\'s right, you lose all the warranty when you got car from states
but you probably can try to buy the warranty from canada dealership
these cars are all nice cars anyway
HONDA SI 两门. 07年, 27000公里.197马力 兰色.23000加币 . 车行卖27000多
almost same price as dealer, my friend just test this type of the car before, he bought another car, it\'s no purpose to buy the car from you, no guatantee any way